Monday, May 28, 2012

Counterfeit Vidapharma products

It has come to our attention that some so-called competitors copy our labels to identify their cheap UGL -products. Of course, counterfeits are produced with the intent to take advantage of the superior value of the imitated product.

To make sure our customers pay AND use only the best VidaPharma Products, starting today, VidaPharma products will all bear a hologram seal stating Vida Pharma and an identification number. If you are unsure about the validity of your product, just email us the identification number or a photo of your product for approval.

 As a reminder:
  • As of the 23rd of July 2012, VidaPharma's pills are now tablets, not capsules (our capsules used to be blue/white)
  • VidaPharma's products, except peptides (like MT2 and GHRPs), all bear a hologram stating VidaPharma, and an identification number.
  • All VidaPharma's products use the real pharmaceutical name, the barcode states the commercial name.
  • **New** HGH boxes feature a QR Code!
Stay tune for more!

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